Anam Cara is the Celtic concept of the "soul friend" . In this new Ancient Celtic series I’ve added stones historically used by the Celts, that embody the essence of Celtic wisdom and healing ,as well as those stones and minerals actually found in Ireland and Scotland. And of course each mala features a 2000+ year old proto-money ring!
I stumbled upon these amazing rustic brass patina-ed rings (also used as spiritual offerings) online and immediately felt inspired to add them to a series of malas that celebrates Celtic/Norse/pagan roots!
These incredible pieces were forged by Celtic metal smiths over 2000 years ago!
⭐️Are we Tiktok frenzies?! Check out my Tiktok vid as I go into a little more detail!!! @stonewisehealing⭐️
The stones featured in this NEW series (see each individual mala for stones included):
Lodolite (shamanic dream quartz)
Golden healer
Canamara marble from Ireland’s wild rugged Atlantic coast
Moss agatey
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$135.00 Regular Price
$99.99Sale Price
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