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  • Description

    The cheerful colors of this mala lend themselves to the knowlege that you are upheld by the Divine in strength, balance and joy!

    This contemporary, therapeutic, 108 bead mala is hand knotted with love and intention. It features 6mm:

    • Multi-colored Tourmaline
    • Dumortierite
    • Agate
    • Finished with a rustic handmade tassel of recycled sari silk fabric and threads.
  • Crystal Properties

    MULTI-COLORED TOURMALINE- Balance, harmony

    Element: Earth, water, wind

    A harmonious blend of energies is found with the multi-colored tourmaline family.  Together they bring life and equilibrium to all the energy centers and meridians.  Their vibrant energies balance shadow and light, masculine and feminine, yin and yang, left and right brain, inner and outer world…..bridging the body, mind, and soul.


    DUMORTIERITE-  Divine insight, belonging, psychic gifts

    Element: Wind

    What came into my mind when I first held a piece of dumortierite at our local rock shop was, “Angel”.  It didn’t share the same high sweet frequencies of other stones associated with angelic connection.  There was a more solid presence to it, as if it might be representing a particular  Angel or class of angel.  As I browsed further in the store, my eyes fell upon a beautiful angel carved from dumortierite.  Synchronicity! I wasn’t very well versed on angels so I pulled out my phone to consult the Google gods and see what they had to say about any connection between this deep blue stone and angels.  I found that Archangle Zadkiel, the angel of forgiveness and compassion, is linked with dumortierite.  Since those 2 issues were playing out prominently in my life at the time, I felt strongly compelled to bring this piece into my world and it has remained on my personal alter ever since.  I  

    Dumortierite is here to invite you to open to the intelligence and divine insights of the etheric realms so that you may realize your psychic and intuitive gifts and how you might apply them to your life’s purpose. This crystal ally wants you to remember that you are a welcome member of this earthly human tribe while being held in love by the Universe, ALWAYS!  You are HERE for a reason!  It’s time to find your way back to your inner strength and cunning in order to transcend  the obstacles before you. 


    AGATE- Stability, strength

    Element: Earth

    Agates of all kinds act as stabilizers, balancing and strengthening body, mind, and soul.  Agate awakens latent energies and brings forth their gifts. Opens up the lines of communication.

    As always, I encourage you to view these descriptions of the properties of crystals as a general guideline ONLY. The healing properties of crystals, intuited by many different cultures around the world, have been passed down through the ages. Modern mystics have taken these teachings and put their own anecdotal interpretations on them as well. The descriptions below are a conglomeration of this subjective information as well as of my own experience with crystals in both my healing and meditation practice. BUT…how a crystal or stone effects a person is completely individual to THAT person! While many people do experience similar effects from certain crystals and stones, what a crystal presents to you may be completely different from how it presents to someone else. Get to know the energy of your mala, crystals, and/or stones and how it informs YOU by working with them consciously. To learn how to WORK CONSCIOUSLY WITH CRYSTALS-and write your OWN dang Crystal Bible!- head over to my blog.



StoneWise Silver Co.

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