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A few months back I came across this quote by transformation and embodiment coach, @farahmsiddiq it propelled me into deep consideration.

Most of us are always going to experience times when our nervous systems become disregulated. It may simply be due to a chaotic situation in your day…..or perhapse, like many of us, you’ve spent a good deal of your life disregulated due to past unaddressed trauma triggered by stressful current situations.

We’re never going to have a 100% regulated nervous system all the time. And while there is no quick fix to this, we do have access to information, resources, support, guidance, and some very powerful tools that have been developed. With help, we can become skilled at using them in those situations that trigger our stuff and knock our nervous systems off kilter.

I've been doing some deep diving and working through issues of past trauma and shadow myself, and finding Farah’s quote was the catalyst that set me on the path to creating a mala with gemstones that embody the medicine of calming, centering, soothing and regulating our body’s autonomic nervous system.


The Halcyon Collection was born. This mala series is comprised of the very crystals and gemstones that I've used on my clients in my Crystal Resonance Therapy practice. I would say that 90% of my client’s issues stem from past trauma and disregulated nervous systems… I truly believe the stones that showed up intuitively on my healing table in the past are the perfect stones to comprise this beautiful and transformative collection.

Lithium quartz: Each mala has a tiny, but mighty, soft soldered lithium quartz pendant attached ! This lithium rich mineral is the perfect aid in soothing, calming and releasing worry. It is a stone of the heart that brings sleep, heart centered balance and connection to hire states of consciousness. It is the consummate stress reliever and nervous system regulator.

Lepidolite: Another lithium stone, This one guides us to release and re-organize old behavioral and psychological patterns.…soothing, calming, centering.

Kunzite: This sweet high frequency gem encourages deep heart-healing, urging you to learn to trust and to open your heart center to receive love from the Divine as well as from those around you. It encourages you to experience the joy that allowing yourself to be loved brings.

Tibetan black quartz: These are the light bringers. They cleanse, clear, open and connect your aura with your Higher Self allowing a sense of trust, stability and openness to guidance on your healing path. The clarity this stone brings helps to dislodge stubborn and negative patterns of energy.

Pink Calcite: A powerful bridge between the heart and the mind. This sweet and supportive stone quiets the overly intellectual brain and ego as it tries to shield one from difficult emotions through logic and cynicism. Pink calcite protects the Heartspace as it gently encourages the release of stuck emotions.

Blue chalcedony: Aids in calming and releasing the more fiery and hectic emotions of anger, panic, anxiety and desperation.

Black tourmaline: Acts as a lightning rod, accumulating an over abundance of negative energies and directing that overflow through our bodies to ground down into the earth to be dissipated. This type of energy defusion brings almost immediate relief as it clears and opens our systems back up to be able to accommodate a more reasonable level of chaotic energies.

Halcyon 1

$125.00 Regular Price
$100.00Sale Price

    StoneWise Silver Co.

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