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  • Description

    Embark on your path to self love and the discovery of your inner talents with the guidance of this powerful mala!

     This contemporary, therapeutic, 108 bead mala is hand knotted with love and intention. It features 8mm:

    • Muscovite
    • Rose Quartz
    • Clear Quartz
    • Labradorite
    • Black Lava for essential oil diffusion
    • Finished with a rustic handmade tassel of recycled silk sari fabric and fibers and strung with a facted labradorite bead
  • Crystal Properties

    MUSCOVITE-Protection, courage, moderation

    Element: Wind

    For empaths who have trouble differentiating between their own energy and the energy of others, or in buffering the onslaught of energies outside of their own, muscovite is an excellent ally and protector! Muscovite can dial down rapid spiritual awakening a few notches so that one doesn’t feel out of control or “crazy”.  When relationships must be severed, muscovite is there soothing and salving the wounds, ensuring that there is no re-attachment of those disengaged energy cords.  For those embarking on shadow work, muscovite brings in the confidence and bravery needed to dive deeper into the exploration and excavation of old painful wounds and to integrate the lessons learned.  It protects those who find themselves in a raw vulnerable space. 


    ROSE QUARTZ- Unconditional love, release, emotional healing

    Element: Water

    Typically considered THE stone of romance, Rose quartz’s true power is in promoting self-love.  Balm for the soul, it enables you to release repressed emotions, life-long negative conditioning, self-degradation, and grief into the flow of love.  “Only when you love yourself can you truly love others”.  So many of us learn to live in fight or flight mode closing ourselves off from the divine. Rose quartz strengthens the heart center to enable the flow of unconditional love from the universe.  It delivers that love into your dense physical plane, helping you to KNOW deep in your heart that you are loved infinitely and  completely….  Love is life, and life is love!


    QUARTZHigher Consciousness, Awakening

    Element: Storm

    Aside from its beauty and healing properties, I love to use clear quartz in my malas for its ability to amplify the properties of the gemstone beads sharing the string with them.  Almost infinitely abundant and versatile, this Master Healer and Light Bringer is a purifier, regulator, balancer and conduit working on all levels of the physical and energetic bodies.   Quartz is highly programmable, allowing you to imbue it with a particular intention, mantra, prayer or energy for as long as needed.


    LABRADORITE- Protection and "Magic"

    Element: Wind

    Within the darkness of the forest, it illuminates the path toward your life’s purpose…exposing the colorful spectrum of gifts, talents, opportunities and possibilities This mystical stone enhances the psychic abilities, harmonizes the subtle bodies, cleanses and protects the aura ... There is magic afoot !  Labradorite lifts the veil between dreams, timelines, alternate realms and lives in order for one to have clearer recall of events and information.


    BLACK LAVA-  Strength, grounding

    Element: Earth, Fire

    Lava’s metamorphosis from churning magma into a cool solid state lends to the energies of strength and stability. Lava’s lightness of weight reflects its ability to ease anger and hot temperaments.  But don’t underestimate the fire energy that still dwells within this stone!  This ally provides courage and resilience, stokes your creative fires, and renews vitality. Lava, with its porous surface, makes a wonderful diffuser for essential oils! Just a drop or two of oil on the bead will allow for an intimate and therapeutic release of aroma! Rebel?  Because nothing is perfect and I dig a little asymmetry in life! I often include at least one in my malas…placed randomly up by the neck so its warmth activates the scent!

    As always, I encourage you to view these descriptions of the properties of crystals as a general guideline ONLY. The healing properties of crystals, intuited by many different cultures around the world, have been passed down through the ages. Modern mystics have taken these teachings and put their own anecdotal interpretations on them as well. The descriptions below are a conglomeration of this subjective information as well as of my own experience with crystals in both my healing and meditation practice. BUT…how a crystal or stone effects a person is completely individual to THAT person! While many people do experience similar effects from certain crystals and stones, what a crystal presents to you may be completely different from how it presents to someone else. Get to know the energy of your mala, crystals, and/or stones and how it informs YOU by working with them consciously. To learn more about WORKING CONSCIOUSLY WITH CRYSTALS-and how write your OWN dang Crystal Bible!- head over to my blog.


StoneWise Silver Co.

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